Headache Conditions
Mechanical/Tension Headache
This type of headache usually causes pain in the temples, forehead and behind the eyes. It can also be located in the back of the head and upper neck. The pain is usually on both sides, but can start on one side only, or can be worse on one side. Up to 80% of the population experience this and either misdiagnose themselves, or are misdiagnosed by their doctor as having sinus headaches. The most common cause of this type of headaches is joint and muscle problems in the upper back and the back of the neck. These problems comes on from stress, poor posture, overuse,

or injuries like those from motor vehicle accidents. Medication often helps to lessen or alleviate the pain temporarily, however, unitl the underlying mechanical problems are fixed, the headaches tend to reoccur. These are extremely common conditions treated at our clinic, and generally respond quickly and easily.
Sinus Headache
This type is generated by pressure inside the sinuses from a build up of mucus and lack of appropriate drainage. This is most frequently found in the maxillary sinuses which are beneath the cheeks just to the side of the nose and beneath the eyes. It stands to reason that there should be associated sinus symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with sinus headaches but dont have typical cold-like symptoms or post nasal drip, you should question the diagnosis. By far the majority of headaches that receive this label are simple mechanical/tension headaches that could be corrected if properly diagnosed and treated.
Migraines are often more severe than other types, and are often present on one side only. In some people they start with an 'aura', which is somethat you see or smell that isn't really there. The pain from this type of headache can be debilitating, and is often made worse by bright lights or loud noises. There is often nausea associated with the pain. There are common food triggers that can set off this type of problem, such as red wine, aged cheese, dried fruit and chocolate. These headaches are often best treated with medication. At times mechanical headaches are misdiagnosed as migraines if they are particularly severe.
TMJ headaches
The temporomandibular joint, where you jaw fits onto your head, is just in front of your ears. There is a TMJ on each side, and both must move properly for you to open and close your mouth. These are sensitive structures that can easly be injured in sports and automobile accidents, but can also slowly become a problem because of teeth that don't fit together properly, or even from stress that leads to clenching or grinding. This can even occur at night while you are sleeping. As with all problems the ultimate cause has to be considered. Just like the joints in the back and neck, the TMJ can become stuck, or can function in an awkward fashion. This is often an easy fix using massage and physcial therapy modalities, and often be completely corrected with chiropractic care. If the underlying cause is stress, we can help you find the tools to navigate life more successfully. If the issues is a matter of how your teeth fit together, we will direct you to an appropriate dentist.
These are extremely severe headaches that take place in groups, and generally only last for a few minutes each. Most of the time they are on one side only. The severe intensity, brief duration and repetitive nature make these headaches relatively easy to recognize. They are primarily treated with medication.